A system of gradual relief asks the practitioner to be a conduit for cosmic energy.

Reiki is the Japanese name for an ancient healing method rediscovered by Usui from the Sanskrit Buddhist scriptures found in Japan’s monasteries. Ki, chi, qi, prana, vril, aeth, lesser light, and pranic force are synonyms for the life force that flows through and about our bodies. Prana is Siva’s, Cosmic Force. It gives life to the body and mind and flows in the subtle body. The subtle body exists within and through our physical body. In Hinduism, we talk about the nadis that are the nerve-like conduits for prana. The subtle body communicates with the outside world at sensitive points on the skin, called marma or acupuncture points. As we have learned from the science of acupuncture and acupressure (also Do-IN, polarity treatments, and massage), if something occurs to disrupt the normal balanced flow of prana through our bodies, the disease occurs.

Reiki practitioners are initiated into the method by six or more attunements by a Master that enables the student to open their pranic system to cosmic forces. These are given with explanations of the system and sometimes particular routines. Students are instructed and supervised in practice sessions to recognize pranic flow in themselves and the subject. Every person has certain contact points on the body that acts as an area of transfer of the pranic energy. The most common points are the palms, fingertips, whole frontal body (the reason for reiki embrace), forearms, and feet.

The practitioner transfers prana to marma points on the receiver’s body, causing an increased, more natural prana flow within the receiver. At the contact point, there may develop intense heat or coldness depending upon conditions. The practitioner knows intuitively how long to spend at each contact point to bring about the harmony desired.

Is this a mind control effort? No, after the practitioner’s initial intention to bring about harmony, he or she need not concentrate on what she is doing and even may carry on conversations with others in the room. In fact, if the practitioner tries to direct the flow and amount of prana, the treatment will not succeed. Prana has full consciousness and knows how to bring about health. The practitioner must never assume that she is doing the healing, for it is healing using the Divine Cosmic energy.

Does reiki work? Yes, it is very effective in bringing about peace and comfort to the receiver. It has often brought about slow relief from pains and other disease conditions. Rarely there is a sudden and almost miraculous total healing. The receiver tends to relax completely, and her subconscious mind also relaxes. The combination of relaxation–getting out of the way of the flow–and the revitalized pranic flow allows the individual to heal themselves.

Some Masters have added more attunements, new symbols, and even different historical beliefs. The ancient system has three initiations, the third being that of the teacher. Symbols are used to intensify the flow of prana for mental and physical conditions and distant healing.

The practitioner merely acts as a conduit for the transfer of pranic energy from the universe to the receiver due to their initiation and attunement to subtle forces.